Saturday, February 1, 2020
ADU is featuring its designer Irish Princess Designs. She has created a beautiful, soft kit called "Amore." You will want to add this kit to your collection. Kit includes 170 NON-repeated elements, 6 frames, and 30 1000X1000 matching papers. Get your kit today right here.
I've used the wonderful artwork from Alex Prihodko, and all his work can be found here.

For ALL your tagging needs be sure to check out All Dolled Up, for all your tagging needs.

Thursday, January 30, 2020
If you're looking for a cute and fun kit to work with, then look no further!  Wicked Princess has created "Treat Yourself", a bright and adorable!

You will want to treat yourself cause WP has included in her kit 111 elements, 20 papers, 4 scene backgrounds, and 2 tubes that include closeups. It is a fun kit to play with. Pick up your kit today by going here.

A quick shout out to Nika Zap and Tamara for the 2 adorable tubes that are in "Treat Yourself." And be sure to include their copyright info if you plan on using either of their sweet little tubes that come in the kit. TOU is in the kit for the designer and both artists.

Both the kit and the tubes are PU only. And are not meant to be shared.

Sunday, January 26, 2020
Featuring the ever-talented Carmin Chaos, with a kit, just in time for Valentines or for all your love related tags. Her kit is called "Lots of Love."

This beautiful kit comes in reds and pinks. Truly a joy to work with. You can create awesome tags with 152 elements, and 22 matching papers. You can pick your kit up at ADU,  by going right here

The divine tube I used, is the artwork of Alehandra Vanhek, and you can see all of her tubes here

Thanks for stopping by!

Niekske Art or Magical Moments has created and designed
a kit called "Just Memories."  A wonderful kit that comes with the matching, gorgeous tube.  I love these colors and really enjoyed working with both kit and tube.

With the tube, you also get 76 elements and 10 papers.  You will want this kit  with this beautiful tube, and it's available at the
 All Dolled Up store, here:

Thanks for stopping by!

I am excited to bring to you a beautiful tube created by Ishika Chowdhury, called "Brooke."  So many layers, for you to switch up and create with.  Ishika's tube can be at Wicked Diabla Design, by clicking here.

Note:  You will need to join the Wicked Diabla Designs store, to be provided with a license number in order to use Ishika Chowdhury's tube.

There are two stunning scrap kits that match Ishika's "Brooke" tube.  You will find the 
links to those talented designers below.

Lil Mz's Brainstorms has designed a matching, dazzling kit called "Brooke Holiday."  Within this kit, you will find 100 
lovely elements and 15 matching papers.  You can pick up your matching kit up at LMB's store, right here.

Also over on Wicked Diabla Designs, you will find her matching kit which she calls "Brooke."  WDD's kit consists of 90 elegant
elements & 10 papers.  And you can pick up your kit, by going here.

Everything above is for PU only, and it's asked that you not share it with anyone.

Thursday, January 9, 2020
Kelz has made a matching kit for VeryMany's new tube called
 "My Little Dog-A Heartbeat at my Feet". 
This tube is not included in the kit.

Lovely Puppy(PU) is an adorable kit in different shades of teal, with some browns as well.  
You'll want this to add to your collection, especially if you're a dog/puppy lover.

You will find Lovely Puppy at All Dolled Up, by clicking here.

'Puppy Love' by CBC


Grab My Blinkie

 photo tagsbychrissie_blinkie_zpsr98canxo.gif


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