Sunday, July 30, 2017

Daelmans Designs brings us another adorable kit called "My Magical Garden."  This kit includes 120 elements, 10 frames & 10 papers. PLUS the cutest BONUS TUBE by Sherri Baldy, which can be found here.
Other stores you can find her kits at are:

Monday, July 24, 2017

I have joined an new creative team, Tadd.  She has beautiful kits. This one is called "Chic, Sensual, and Sexy."  The colors are absolutely gorgeous.  Comes with 121 elements, 20 elements explicits, 5 frames and 15 papers.  You can find this kit, and all other kits made by Tadd here!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Another gorgeous kit by Daelmans Designs, called "On the Beach!"  This kit is great for all you summer tags, facebook timelines, and blogs!  Included in this kit is 110 elements, 10 frames and 10 papers!  You can purchase your kit here!
Other stores you can find this kit at are:


Grab My Blinkie

 photo tagsbychrissie_blinkie_zpsr98canxo.gif


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